Infected Blood Inquiry Report - Published 20.5.24

The Infected Blood Inquiry Report was published on 20.5.24. 

The independent public statutory Inquiry established to examine the circumstances in which men, women and children treated by National Health Services in the United Kingdom were given infected blood and infected blood products, in particular since 1970.

We have uploaded a copy of the report to the Forms & Documents - Reports section of our website.

You can find further information available from the Infected Blood Inquiry website :

Homepage | Infected Blood Inquiry




Changes to the Health Informatics Diploma Examination – Effective From May 2024

Changes to the Health Informatics Diploma Examination – Effective From May 2024

Examination Details

The requirement will be for a 5000 word thesis/dissertation on a subject which must be of a health records/information management nature.

The candidate will be required to write a short A4 precis of the proposed topic, the research methodology to be utilised and/or the project to be undertaken.  This is submitted for approval to the Director of Education prior to the thesis/dissertation being undertaken.  Following agreement with the Director of Education, the candidate has six months in which to complete and submit the thesis/dissertation for review.

The dissertation/thesis will be scored according to the following criteria by two independent assessors:


  • Explanation of the topic
  • Placed in a wider context
  • Demonstrates familiarity with the background literature on this topic if applicable
  • Illustrates the general implications of the project for the subject as a whole
  • States clearly the objectives of the project


  • Clear description of the method(s) applied
  • Justification of choice of method(s)
  • Soundness of methodology
  • Appropriateness of theoretical framework
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the methodology
  • Problems encountered are discussed
  • Should include at least one survey with analysis of findings

Data Analysis, Discussion and Conclusions

  • Correct interpretation of the results and critical comparison with theoretical models as appropriate
  • Understanding of the results’ practical implications
  • Correct and logical conclusions drawn from the analysis, consistent with the activity’s objectives

Overall Structure of the Report

  • Logical structure of report and literary accuracy
  • Quality of presentation
  • Length

Project Activity and Effort

  • Project planning
  • Demonstration of initiative
  • Commitment and effort

[Webinar] Managing Records and Information for People with Gender-Diverse Experiences

Webinar Playback - Now Available!

Key Highlights

Addressing Record Management Challenges for Gender-Diverse Individuals: Explore the specific issues related to the management of health records for people with gender-diverse experiences and for personnel records of those working in healthcare. Understand the complexities in screening, diagnostics, and medication within our current systems and how these can be navigated more effectively. 

Innovating for Inclusive Health and Social Care Systems: Engage with a thorough analysis of current health and social care processes and uncover what needs to change to embrace and support the unique needs of communities. 

The Road to Inclusive Care: Gain insights into the practical steps and strategies needed to transform health and social care systems into inclusive environments, leveraging technology and effective management practices. 


Click Here To Watch The Webinar :

[Webinar] Managing Records and Information for People with Gender-Diverse Experiences  (

NCCQ & HI Exam Dates 2023 - 2028

Please find below NCCQ & HI Exam Dates for 2023 - 2028:

NCCQ Exams












HI Exams











Reminder: Monmouth Academy IHRIM Membership Benefits

IHRIM UK are working with Monmouth Partners to bring new benefits to our members


IHRIM UK, the professional and examination body for clinical coding, and Monmouth Partner's Clinical Coding Academy, are working together to bring IHRIM UK members access to Monmouth's clinical coding training. 

Monmouth's bitesize content allows coders to learn at their own pace in a dynamic training environment. New courses are added monthly and coders can take part in a weekly coding challenge. New members become part of a community of over 900 professional clinical coders already using Monmouth Academy to support their ongoing training and learning.

Click Here To Find Out More : Clinical Coding Academy - IHRIM Memberships (

Records Management and Patient Services Standards Handbook

Have you downloaded your copy of IHRIM's Records Management and Patient Services Standards Handbook?